Hey Nature Coast, Let's Chat About Our School Board Elections

In Florida's Nature Coast, something's off. Big companies are finding ways to throw a lot of cash at school board elections, way more than what's supposed to be allowed. Makes you wonder who's really calling the shots in our schools, doesn't it?

Hey Nature Coast, Let's Chat About Our School Board Elections
I wonder if the Hernando BOCC gets a cut of the transactions...

So, here we are, folks—chillin' in the beautiful slice of Florida we call the Nature Coast. We're usually talking manatees, our fave local spots, or the next community beach clean-up. But today, let's get into something a bit different, yet super important: what's going down with our local school board elections.

Florida's got this rule saying you can only give $1,000 to candidates running for spots like the School Board. Sounds fair, right? It's supposed to keep things on the up-and-up, making sure no one's throwing their weight around too much. But, as with all things, where there's a will, there's a way around it.

Take the 2022 elections here in Hernando County. The Deeb company, those construction and development guys from Pasco County, decided they really, really cared about who's sitting on our Hernando School Board. How much? Well, they spread around $24,000 across several candidates. Yeah, you heard that right. That's a whole lot of zeroes for something that's supposed to cap at a grand.

Mark Johnson and Shannon Rodriguez got a nice chunk of change, and there was even money thrown at a third candidate (Kevin Floyd). All this cash came through different company names, but—plot twist—they're all cozying up in the same office over in New Port Richey.

Now, why does this matter? It's not just about the moolah. It's about why a big biz is so interested in our school board. These are the folks deciding what happens in our schools—everything from what books our kids are reading to how schools are built.

Fast forward to 2024, and it's looking like déjà vu. More cash, more candidates, same big questions. What's got Deeb so hooked on our school board elections?

Here's the kicker: this isn't just about Hernando County. It's a bigger convo about how elections work (or don't work) and who gets to call the shots. It's kinda sketchy when you think about it, right? Businesses shouldn't have a louder voice in our kids' education than, well, the rest of us.

But hey, don't get too down about it. This is a wake-up call, not a reason to check out. Our democracy's only as strong as our willingness to stand up, ask questions, and demand better. And honestly? If there's one thing I know about the Nature Coast, it's that we're not afraid to speak up and make waves.

So, let's keep our eyes open, stay curious, and remember that our school board should work for us—not the highest bidder. After all, it's about our community, our kids, and our future. And around here, we take that pretty seriously.

Let's make sure our voices are heard louder than any amount of cash can shout. Because at the end of the day, it's our Nature Coast, our schools, and our say.

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